WP 6.4 Child Theme Upgrade WP 6.4 Child Theme Upgrade

Recently, I’ve performed a WP 6.4 child theme update to WordPress has updated to 6.4.X, and we’ve been seeing features, plugins, and various forms of support and creation changing. The flexibility and other benefits this affords are irresistible, so I’ve gradually been updating my sites to child themes based on the WordPress TwentyTwentyFour base theme.

But Why This Site?

As Of Right Now
The As Of Right Now logo, represented here as an SVG.

As this was one of my first projects. Originally it was a sort of course final for my web design degree. It’s also the oldest site on my server. It was originally intended to promote my (at the time) brother-in-law’s band. That band has since dis-banded, but the URL,, is too good to let go of. I don’t currently have a better idea for it, so I figured this was the perfect site to run a WP 6.4 child theme update on.

What happened?

The site still had all the graphic elements I needed, and the hero video is still on YouTube. All I really needed to do was change the theme, build a child theme, and apply customizations. In an effort to keep it simple, I added nearly nothing. I simply set the theme to Onyx, arranged the elements aesthetically, and reconnected the contact form so that, if anyone wanted to contact the band for whatever reason, DJ would actually get the email.

What I Would Do Differently

  • This is a site for a disbanded rock band, and there is plenty of opportunity here for a livelier look/feel. In the future I hope to add animation and more deliberate and creative fonts.
  • Onyx is good, but I’d like to add a custom JSON file to add a style book button to customize the color pallet and typography with one button.