I’ve had this site for nearly a year, I still hadn’t put a proper logo on it yet. You can’t imagine the shame. I’ve done plenty of logo work before—okay, not a TON of logo work—but enough to have no excuse here. So I guess I’d better do something about it.
The last time I made a logo for myself, it was for a different domain. My previous URL was IncandescentIdeas.com—I know, not great. You’ve just read it and you still can’t tell what it says or how to spell it. I can only blame myself… and the other people with my name, I suppose. Anyway, that logo design was honestly a bit easier to conceive. It all stemmed from lightbulb stuff.

More recently, after going through the internet one page at a time, searching for any URL that might be shorter or more memorable than “incandescentideas”. It felt hopeless until I landed on a URL I’m sure I had tried before “adamspixels.com”. I took a close look at the site and realized that it hadn’t been updated in a while, and that it was put together by someone who went to the same school I did! I’ll spare details about the negotiation, but eventually we were able to transfer ownership of the URL!
Now I had a real problem. All the theming I had done on my previous site was useless. I went through some lengths to shoehorn my awkward URL and my name together, and here I am now with few usable assets. This wasn’t square one, but maybe square… 3? I don’t know how that scale works. I guess it will take enough time for me to get a couple posts out of it.
Time to get to work.